e-Doc module
Facility to manages the creation, storage and control of document electronically by using the e-Doc module
- E-doc module manages the files and folders of the pictures and attachments for the quoting.
- Add, remove and change the folders from any computer will make you save time in working on the job.
- Track each folders and documents that is been used for each job that you do.
Document Management Systems provide the ability to convert, store and share a variety of digital documents within a network.
The popularity of DMS peaked in early 80’s when large corporations started utilizing the technology to convert paper documents to digital formats.
This process allowed the corporate managers to reduce workload by minimizing the use of papers.
The proliferation of internet acted as a catalyst for accelerating this process. Such is the impact of document management solutions that they have become an indispensable tool for large and medium sized organizations.
Consider a simple example: imagine how easier it will be for a customer if they wanted to open an account with a company that provides the facility to upload the scanned documents. It may seem trivial but the implication has far reaching effects both on the individual and the company.
In this case, the customer doesn’t have to worry about their important papers getting lost, while the company representatives are assured that they don’t have to retrieve tons of papers from the fax machines. Moreover, the personal information of that particular customer is only seen by the authorized individual, whereas the representatives are assured that there are no more shuffled papers